Why do my boyfriends shy away from buying me lingerie?
I love lingerie, and I enjoy wearing lingerie for bedroom partners, however I have never received lingerie from any men in my life no matter how many hints I drop.
What can I do?
LackingLingerie, 24 from London
Dear LackingLingerie,
Thank you for a very worthwhile topic.
Why do blokes shy away from lingerie gifts, lingerie shops and lingerie shopping?
Although I myself regularly receive lingerie gifts from gentlemen, this is a question that pops up among friends.
In the past I have heard such excuses such as;
“I don’t want anyone I know to see me in the shop…”
“The boutique girls thought I was a pervert…”
“I don’t know your size, I’d just get it wrong and you’d hate me for it.”
However, these excuses are petty and these, in my mind, are simply men with their tails between their legs running away from responsibility.
So what if your friends or colleagues see you in a lingerie shop, clearly they are also in there doing the same thing. Surely a real man isn’t shy to admit he can confidently walk into a lingerie store and browse to buy something nice for a girl? And would this not prove to friends that he has a rather successful sex-life. I would be bragging about this to my macho male mates.
Lingerie boutique girls are happy to help any gentleman who is looking to purchase something whether as a gift for a girlfriend, something for themselves or even if it’s for other reasons… Lingerie shop girls have seen it all and there is nothing to be shy about buying lingerie for a girlfriend.
Remember that store assistants are trained to help with sizing and are likely to help you with sizing problems as well as picking out popular styles, matching accessories and even showing you how to wear pieces.
The sizing issue is most likely the best excuse. However, most stores have a 14-28 day exchange policy. So even if the guy doesn’t have a clue of your bra size he can purchase a size and he or you can exchange it later. Lingerie stores also offer plenty of treats and goodies that do not require the mathematical genius of a bra size expert. Briefs, triangle bras, nightwear and gifting pieces, no excuse, just pick one.
With the popularity of online shopping, men can shop for lingerie in the comfort and serenity of their own home. No one will see them, no one will know, and lets be honest they’ve probably browsed for similar if not more exciting things on the net in the past. Men are able to buy lingerie online, get it sent to them and make it look like they’ve walked into a store…again they have no excuse.
Playful Promises often team up with voucher deals such as Living Social. So if the man is really too shy or too dim to buy lingerie he can buy gift vouchers and still get away with it.
LackingLingerie, I would say that the men you date love your playmate aspect but aren’t man enough to be your playmate! If they can’t buy lingerie, what else will they shy away from in later years?
And men…get off your backsides! When you don’t know what to buy a girlfriend for a birthday, anniversary, valentines day or any non-special days –THINK LINGERIE.