Vintage party hair with Yogi
My name is Natalie Shirlaw, I've been hairdressing for around 20 years and have worked in some of London’s top salons. I'm currently working as a session hairstylist, which means I specialise in TV, film, grooming for premieres, photoshoots etc. I'm currently the “face” of Yogi hair products and I do the hair show on QVC for them too. I've just been booked for the Sony premiere “The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo” in December too so I'm very excited about that! My website is if you would like to read more about me.
Im really excited to bring some Christmas party looks for you through Playful Promises. I hope you enjoy them and find my step by step easy to achieve! I have enlisted the help of my client Sinead who is modelling for me; we met when I did her gorgeous vintage themed wedding in the summer in Whitstable and also my friend and fantastic photographer Samantha Jones who does beautiful wedding pictures – take a look at her website!
LOOK 1: Barbarella
A bristle brush
Widetooth comb
Wide grips
I use products from a company called Gentle Beauty as I prefer natural and plant derived products. They have their suncoat range and also a range by John Masters Organics which smells beautiful and is very effective as its made by a hairdresser
This look is so popular and very easy to achieve when you know how!
Step 1
The first thing you must do when you want big hair is get texture in it, backcombing alone isn’t good enough you first have to create a texture in the hair. To get great texture when you first wash your hair you must use some styling products. I used John Masters sea mist. Rough dry the hair, maybe even upside down to get plenty of body and movement. You can even do this a day or 2 after washing if you find your hair has better texture when it is a bit dirty.
Step 2
Next I have used my Yogi hair wand; the great thing about this wand is it's very easy to use and you don’t need any additional products to make a curl. I used the large barrel wand on Sinead’s hair. You can already see the lovely texture in her hair.
Step 3
Backcomb the hair with the widetooth comb. You don’t have to backcomb with a pincomb as this can make the hair very knotted to get out. The trick is in the way you backcomb. Hold the section of hair and take long sweeping movements from 2 inches away from the root back down towards the root slowly and carefully (rather than sawing movements at the root!!!!) If you do this correctly the hair will stand up alone. Spray with some hairspray. I like Sun coat spray as it is non aerosol or the aveda ones are good too!
Step 4
Section off the hair as shown then place the padding in at the crown and secure with grips. Take your bristle brush and smooth the hair gently over the padding and pin behind. Keep the hair a liitle tousled as it will look too old fashioned if its too neat and Voila!!!
Keep your eyes peeled next week for my second Christmas party look! If you use this tutorial we would LOVE to see photos of the results - make sure you post them in a comment!

Reader Comments (5)
Great tutorial - I've included you in my Friday Favorites at Shrimp Salad Circus!
Thank you very much Lindsay!
It is always lovely to look at someone who has such gorgeous hair. Thanks for sharing!
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Your hair is the beauty of a woman. May you maintain that one.