Backstage with Burlexe
Burlexe is a unique play about the lives of women in burlesque. It fuses performance with storytelling, dancing with acting. It’s about strong, powerful, amazing women and it’s like nothing you’ve seen before.
We went behind-the-scenes to find a unique sisterhood, which actually reflects what’s happening on stage.
- Burlexe mixes the inimitable Kele le Roc with actresses and guest burlesquers – it’s a living soap opera with highs, hilarity and a good deal of glitter.
- On stage, Kele le Roc is the most hilarious of comperes, flicking her whip and backstage she’s holding court with stories told in a myriad of accents.
Image by Tigz Rice
- Girls arrive for the pre-show walk-through in leggings and Ugg boots but emerge on stage as glamorous goddesses be it exotic like Luna Rosa or gothic a la Aurora Galore.
- It’s glamorous but girly with backstories are led by hormones, love life, current circumstances and losing an earring.
Kiki Kaboom by Tigz Rice
- Conversations are about make-up and costume tips, where to get just-as-good-but-not-as-expensive-Swarovski-alikey crystals. And did you know what a see-string is? A G-string to perform in. Where can we get one of those? Ask Bettsie BonBon…
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