
Our very own agony aunt, Lady Unmentionable is a socialite and lingerie aficionado. She'll answer any questions you may have from how to wear the latest lingerie trends, to how to care for your delicates! If your knickers are in a twist, email Lady unmentionable at knickersinatwist@playfulpromises.com.

The social media obsessed marketing guru, who produces all our photos. She is in charge of making sure you are all up todate on the playful gossip, so talk to her on our facebooktwitter and
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Lydia looks after our logistics, making sure our knickers are where they need to be on time. This is to balance out evenings spent being a fire-breathing badass showgirl.

Designer and the glue that binds Playful Promises together.



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Entries in british (1)


We do love to be beside the seaside!

There is little that is more British than fish and chips at the seaside (unless of course you have Johnny Rotten holding butter in one hand and a Bulldog that is chewing on it's Union Jack sweater in the other and have written "KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON" in the sand). 


Us Brits just love a bit of twee (and tweed), so it's no wonder the Great British Holiday is coming back in fashion as a "retro" thing to do. Clever marketing from the Government or not, we can't say no to holidaying by the British seaside. You require balls of steel to go in the water, but who needs water anyway! 


This lovely warm weather has made me lust for my holiday getaway (my parents live in Cornwall), and these amazing vintage British holiday posters almost make that 6 hour train journey sound like a bundle of fun!




So where will you be holidaying this summer? Are you jetting off to a distant land, or staying in old Blighty? And what about our overseas fans?


Wherever you galavant off to, make sure you have you Playful Promises swimwear packed and ready!