
Our very own agony aunt, Lady Unmentionable is a socialite and lingerie aficionado. She'll answer any questions you may have from how to wear the latest lingerie trends, to how to care for your delicates! If your knickers are in a twist, email Lady unmentionable at knickersinatwist@playfulpromises.com.

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Lydia looks after our logistics, making sure our knickers are where they need to be on time. This is to balance out evenings spent being a fire-breathing badass showgirl.

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Entries in discussion (1)


To match or not to match?

Along with the Big Knickers versus G-Strings war that constantly rages throughout the lingerie world, I have stumbled upon another hot topic that everyone seems to have an opinion on with regards to underwear – to match or not to match, that is the question.


After researching the subject online, it became clear that everyone has an opinion and were more than happy to voice it. The articles, chat rooms and polls I found regarding the subject of matching underwear were extensive, but inconclusive and no decision was ever really reached, which left me pondering, does it really matter if your underwear matches?


I did find an evident divide between the opposing sides, so clearly it is an issue people feel strongly about, but I had never really thought about it myself.


As a child, we are all told by our Grandma to wear good underwear in case something awful befalls you; giving strangers just cause to see your smalls. However, I have never been in an accident that caused me to be stripped down to my underwear, and anyway I always thought that if someone refused to give you medical attention based on whether or not your underwear matched was a pretty bad doctor. However, I’m not sure if there is anything about the treatment of patients based on the state of their underwear in the Hippocratic Oath so airing on the side of caution may be wise there.



So as you have probably gathered, matching my underwear has never been high on my list of priorities when it comes to getting dressed in the morning, normally, I’m too busy concentrating on waking up that I am just happy to leave the house with all my clothes on in the right order – I am definitely not a morning person! I used to just be satisfied with underwear that was clean and had no holes in; also, being a recently graduated student, I would have rather spent my money on nights out instead of underwear. So I did agree with the many people I found on the internet claiming that matching your underwear took too much time and cost too much.


However, my mentality is slowly beginning to change since I have started my internship here at Playful Promises. While being here, I have invested in three matching sets of underwear – The Heartbreaker Set, The Etti Set and the The Kitty Set, which I have started wearing together. 



Since buying the sets I have slowly started to feel bad when I don’t wear matching underwear, and sort of off balance. Wearing matching sets have definitely made me feel more grown up and sophisticated and just generally start my day off that little bit better. So I think I have become a convert! Not only have I now vowed to only buy matching sets, I have also organised my underwear draw – which if you knew me, you could contest was a big deal – evicting the old and unmatchable undies lurking in there.


I am now ready to expand my underwear collection to include more matching sets, I have come to realise that the boost you get out of wearing matching underwear is one that never fades, making you feel sexy and confident all day!


Let me know whether or not you match your underwear – I’ll try and make you a convert too!